Ringing in Ears (Tinnitus)

Nothing can be more frustrating and sometimes painful than ringing in your ear. You might see it referred to at tinnitus, but no matter what it’s called you just want it to stop.
Symptoms & Causes
Tinnitus is often characterized as a ringing, buzzing or swooshing sound that only the patient can hear. You might have these symptoms because a wide variety of problems. Muscle movements and blood flow are two big culprits along with your eardrum. A buildup of ear wax, stress, loud noises, a recent injury, dental problems, ear infections and a rapid change in elevation can be potential causes. See your specialty doctor for this condition if your symptoms persist.
Diagnosis & Treatment
When you see your doctor she or he will want to interview you about your symptoms and examine the ear to find the cause. You might be given a hearing loss test, CT scan, MRI scan or auditory brain stem response analysis. Depending on your specific diagnosis and condition your doctor could give you a prescription to help with the symptoms and solve the root problem, or prescribe home treatment. These options are behavioral and lifestyle changes such as less alcohol, smoking and loud environments. Regular exercise might also help increase blood flow to your ears, and help you recover more quickly.
Preventing tinnitus is the best step. If you are worried about the symptoms associated with ringing in the ear then follow some simple steps. Protect your hearing: while at work make sure environmental noises are shield. At home don’t listen to the television of stereo too loudly. Another helpful suggestion is to avoid using Q-Tips as they can put unnecessary pressure on the sensitive organs of your hearing.